UN General Assembly

The General Assembly allocates human rights, social, and humanitarian issues to one of its six committees, known as the Third Committee. The Third Committee  has passed several non-binding resolutions on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic in Iran. The resolutions often call upon the Secretary General to examine the situation of human rights in the country.
The Third Committee recently adopted a resolution on 27 October 2011, which, among other things, calls upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to “positively avail itself of the opportunity to cooperate fully with the Special Rapporteur and other international human rights mechanisms, including by allowing the Special Rapporteur unfettered access to the country to carry out his mandate;”and” and urges it to fully cooperate with the special mechanisms, including facilitating their visits to its territory, so that credible and independent investigations of all allegations of human rights violations can be conducted…”. The resolution was cosponsored by 41 countries, and it passed with 86 countries in favor, 32 against, and 59 abstentions, while 16 countries did not participate in the vote.