Dr. Shaheed's Work

Dr. Shaheed's Work

The Human Rights Council established the mandate for a Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran with resolution A/HRC/RES/16/9 in March 2011. The resolution requests that the Special Rapporteur submit an interim report at the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly and a report at the nineteenth session of the Human Rights Council. The Human Rights Council appointed Dr. Ahmed Shaheed to the office in June 2011, and he began his mandate on 1 August. He presented two reports to the General Assembly on 19 October 2011 and on 11 October 2012, along with one report to the Human Rights Council on 16 March 2012. His reports use primary interviews and document human rights violations in accordance with the ICCPR (International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights), ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), CERD (Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination), CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) and other human rights mechanisms. Dr. Shaheed continues to seek constructive dialogue with the Iranian authorities.